Community projects

Search for community-led projects that are either underway or are looking to get support from people in your area.

Find out what help people are looking for and how you can get involved and contact the project owner or sponsor. Even if you can't help out yourself you can easily share the projects with people in your own network that might be able to. It's also a great way of finding out what’s going on in your area.

Park Ranger task days Ongoing

Park Ranger task days

New volunteers welcome. Anyone taking part will need to wear suitable outdoor clothes and footwear. All tools and gloves are provided.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

Ealing Wildlife Group Ongoing

Ealing Wildlife Group

Budding photographers of local wildlife and the natural habitat can share their images with other members via social media channels.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

More tea darling Delivered

More tea darling

If you would like support in organising a community event or small tea party we could offer our support.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

Ealing Walking, Talking and Exploring Group Delivered

Ealing Walking, Talking and Exploring Group

This group is for the people who have English as a second or other language and who wish to improve their speaking and listening skills and meet people while exploring different places in the London Borough of Ealing or further afield.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Hanwell, Southall

theMOVEMENT Circuits Class Delivered

theMOVEMENT Circuits Class

theMOVEMENT is a social enterprise that uses physical exercise as a tool to support and empower vulnerable women.

Town: Hanwell

Ealing Over 60 Network Ongoing

Ealing Over 60 Network

Come and meet us! You are welcome to participate in whatever appeals to you.

Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall

The Little Art Room Christmas Floristry Delivered

The Little Art Room Christmas Floristry

Tell everyone in Elthorne ward that the sessions are open to them and ensure as many people as possible gain an opportunity to join in.

Town: Hanwell

The Little Art Room Mother’s Day Floristry Delivered

The Little Art Room Mother’s Day Floristry

Tell everyone in Elthorne ward that the sessions are open to them and ensure as many young people gain an opportunity to join in.

Town: Hanwell

High Lane Allotments – Raised Beds Idea

High Lane Allotments – Raised Beds

Once built, there may be volunteering opportunities to help supervise if there are groups maintaining single raised beds.

Town: Hanwell

Live music at Hanwell Community Centre/ Ealing Eclectic Music Space Delivered

Live music at Hanwell Community Centre/ Ealing Eclectic Music Space

Setting up the music stage, tables and chairs, lighting & props, ensuring mobile heaters are installed and the bar area is manned.

Town: Hanwell

Volunteers needed to help run 16th Ealing Beavers Cubs and Scouts Ongoing

Volunteers needed to help run 16th Ealing Beavers Cubs and Scouts

We have many roles where you could be involved and even a few hours a month could make all the difference.

Towns: Ealing, Hanwell

7th Hanwell Scout Hall Rebuild Delivered

7th Hanwell Scout Hall Rebuild

The 7th Hanwell Scout Group has embarked on a mission to raise enough money to rebuild the 50 year old, very dilapidated, scout hut located at the bottom of Trumpers Way, on the edge of Elthorne Park.

Town: Hanwell