Community projects
Search for community-led projects that are either underway or are looking to get support from people in your area.
Find out what help people are looking for and how you can get involved and contact the project owner or sponsor. Even if you can't help out yourself you can easily share the projects with people in your own network that might be able to. It's also a great way of finding out what’s going on in your area.
FareShare Southall
We need some volunteers to help us on the delivery route, driving the van and helping with deliveries.
Town: Southall
Wolf Fields Community Gardens
We run open days, events and community working party. Weekly volunteer days from 10.30 to 13.00 on Wednesday and Thursday.
Town: Southall
West London Breeze, free bike rides for women
Open to all women who can ride a bike (and can bring their own bike). Meet outside Ealing Town Hall from 9.45am for a 10am departure. We will return to Ealing by 1-1.30pm.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Get Fit 4 Summer @ The Havelock Centre
The Havelock Community Centre’s health and wellbeing classes are here to get you ready for summer! It doesn't matter if you’re a fitness-pro or a fitness-phobe, everyone is welco...
Town: Southall
Park Ranger task days
New volunteers welcome. Anyone taking part will need to wear suitable outdoor clothes and footwear. All tools and gloves are provided.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Norwood Green Residents’ Association
Volunteers needed to help erect gazebos and dismantle at the end of the event.
Town: Southall
Ealing Wildlife Group
Budding photographers of local wildlife and the natural habitat can share their images with other members via social media channels.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
More tea darling
If you would like support in organising a community event or small tea party we could offer our support.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Ealing Walking, Talking and Exploring Group
This group is for the people who have English as a second or other language and who wish to improve their speaking and listening skills and meet people while exploring different places in the London Borough of Ealing or further afield.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Hanwell, Southall
The Sharks @ Havelock/Toplocks
We are fundraising to get this project off the ground. We need your ‘likes’ and ‘pledges.’
Town: Southall
Great British Autumn Clean in Southall
Looking for volunteers from 10.30am – 1pm to come and join in. Litter pickers, bags etc will be provided.
Town: Southall