Community projects
Search for community-led projects that are either underway or are looking to get support from people in your area.
Find out what help people are looking for and how you can get involved and contact the project owner or sponsor. Even if you can't help out yourself you can easily share the projects with people in your own network that might be able to. It's also a great way of finding out what’s going on in your area.
Community Activities Project Ealing (CAPE)
CAPE volunteers play an important role in supporting clients. Anyone can volunteer. It does not matter what your skills, experience or background are, or how much time you have to give.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Football and Multi-sports Coaching & Expertise – Brentford FC Community Sports Trust
There is no set criteria for both pathways, they work on an individual basis. These are not paid roles.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Sports Administration & Events – Brentford FC Community Sports Trust
There is no set criteria for both pathways, they work on an individual basis. These are not paid roles.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Age UK Ealing
Age UK have a wide range of volunteering opportunities. All of the roles are flexible, but structured.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Volunteers needed for Conservation Work at Nature Reserve
Volunteers needed please; nothing too arduous! sweeping up “arisings” following mowing of our meadows and paddock.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Perivale Wood Rangers
You must be a member of the Selborne Society to join in.
Towns: Ealing, Hanwell, Perivale
Design A Logo Competition
GNP Federation are always on the look out for volunteers to help set up market stalls last Saturday of every month.
Towns: Ealing, Greenford, Northolt, Perivale
Magna Carta young ambassadors
We are looking for young Magna Carta ambassadors, who are passionate about freedom, human rights and democracy, to present the Magna Carta to the people of Ealing.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Perivale Puppet Horse
We will need volunteers to help put on inclusive workshops for other learning disabled people in the community about making and designing and working with life-sized puppets. Volunteers would need to be ready to support our learning disabled service users as they are facilitated to lead the workshops. We would also welcome offers from other local businesses, groups and organisations who could help us publicise the workshops among their customers/service users. We welcome partnerships with other organisations working with people with learning disabilities who would like to access the workshops. Watch this space for further details to come over the next few months.
Town: Perivale
Ealing Half Marathon
Do you or your company want a simple easy way to support Ealing Half Marathon and help it grow? Then join our #100Club!
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Healthwatch Ealing
As a member of the public, you have a right to be involved in discussions and decisions about your health and social care services.
Towns: Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale, Southall
Take care of Horsenden Hill
Join us for a Take Care of Horsenden Hill Day on Saturday, 28 November 2015 from 10am to 2pm.
Towns: Greenford, Perivale