Top 10 Tips on Reusing Household Goods

Reusing is great for the environment and great for your pocket too. Here are some great tips on reusing your everyday household goods.

Old Cards

An easy way to save money as well as do your bit for the environment is instead of getting rid of old unwanted Christmas/birthday cards, simply cut off the side which has already been written in (don’t forget to recycle!),  and re-send the card as a post card.

Don’t Bin Your Tins

Instead the next time you are about to dispose of your tins, just rip the label off, fill it with soil and use it pot your kitchen herbs.

Tired Of Flat Tyres

If changing a flat tyre isn’t your forte then perhaps gardening is more your thing? If it is…great! A fun way to upcycle an old punctured tyre is to spray paint it the colour of your choice and use it to create a flower bed. Sounds like the beginnings of an enchanting tyre garden to me!

Old Furniture 

Here’s great little DIY project and a simple way to save money. By giving it good sand, prime and paint you’ll drastically change the entire look of a piece of furniture. All it ever really needed was some TLC.

Stationary Holder

If you ever find yourself with an empty shoebox (about the size of the converse boxes), and many-a-finished loo rolls, then you already have everything you need to make your own super-organised stationary holder to keep all your pens, pencils and paper clips.

Jewellery Holder

If you have a broken or spare picture frame lying around at home, all you need to do is take out the glass and add as many rows of wire as can fit the length of the picture frame – hey presto you’ve got yourself an earring holder!

Old Suitcase 
Does your pet need a change of setting? If an old or broken suitcase happens to exist under your bed or in storage, then this can be easily achieved by deconstructing the suitcase into two and lining the desired half with plenty of cosy blankets and cushions. Your pet will thank you for it.

Broken Pots

Would you like to show off your garden variety to amateurs? Broken pots are the perfect way to do this. All you have to do is label the pot with the plant name (or genus and species if you’re feeling fancy) and plant it directly in front of said labeled greenery.

Old Clothes 

While recycling old clothes is fun, sometimes you just have to get rid of them. For most people (with a conscience) the first stop for slinging out old clothes is a charity shop/bin. However, if you’re looking for a bit of extra cash, you could always take them to one of those cash for clothes places, where they pay you by the kilo. Not as charitable, but still helpful to the environment.

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